Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to Fans For Change

The purpose of Fans For Change is to unify college football fans everywhere for the dissolution of the Bowl Championship Series (BCS).

Fans For Change is the only organization created to unify college football fans everywhere into a single voice against the BCS. History, literature, and pop culture are full of events where the seemingly voiceless have come together as one to defeat the powerful. It’s time for the legions of college football fans to become one and end the BCS.

The first step is to determine the amount of interest in a unified effort against the BCS. Do college football fans want to stand idly by hoping someone will do something to end the BCS? Or do they want to do something?

Unfortunately, something like this will take money. This site has been created to determine the amount of interest in becoming a unified voice by soliciting donations.

The amount needed from each individual college football fan is less than the price of a large fountain drink at the corner gas station, or the price of supersizing your lunch today. If just 16,000 fans (the smallest stadium in Division 1-A football seats 16,000) from each Division 1-A college football team gave $1; Fans For Change would raise almost $2 million, a significant amount to make our voices heard.

This isn't the “Human Fund” (see Seinfeld episode #166); your donation will be used to bring change to college football. Your donation will:
1st: Fund the creation of a Non-Profit organization
2nd: Increase Web and Media exposure
3rd: Draw attention to the inequalities of the BCS
4th: Lobby Congress
5th: Fund legal action

Please know that all donations will be held in a Paypal account until enough money has been collected to turn this organization into a non-profit. If for some reason we do not collect enough, all donations will be returned.

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